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8 May 2009

May birthday walk, and other thoughts

It was Martin's birthday yesterday and we ended up at Attenborough again, in the glorious sunshine. What a beautiful place to spend a birthday. I love May sunshine!
And what a beautiful baby, already three weeks old! We saw the health visitor first thing, who tried to tell me that studies show co-sleeping is dangerous. I quoted the study, told her the factors it "mistakenly" didn't correct for, and who funded it, and quoted Unicef's website. And she got very flustered and apologised and told me that I'm doing everything right. Hmm... Thanks I think... She left me with a big pile of propaganda ;) including one sheet telling me why I shouldn't cosleep (produced by FSID who are a parent pressure group not a medical body) and one from Unicef telling me why I should. Gotta love the NHS...


  1. Rowan is just perfect, but you already knew that!

    I LOVE the sling photo. Which sling is that? (Is it a gypsy mama) whatever it is I want one lol

    Gina xxx

  2. It is Gypsy Mama, yes! The Diana (limited edition so you'd have trouble finding one anyway I'm afraid) - and it's a stretchy so probably not too supportive for Willow nowadays! It is such a beautiful beautiful wrap.


  3. Lovely photos - glad you got such lovely weather for your trip out

  4. I love the wrap too, it's so nice!

    I got all the same information too and promptly put it in my recycling bin, that FSID one really got to me though. xxx


Penny for your thoughts? :)