DSC09753 - Copy

31 March 2011


...and sunshine. A quick walk to town earlier in the week - to throw grain at the ducks and visit the wholefoods shop for dried mango, a jar of olives, some local windmill-ground flour, and various other little weekday treats.
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Morgan barely visible, watching the world go by in her own special way. *heart* This quirky girl, there is something about the way she sees things that just knocks my world a little bit off kilter.
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The smallest one giggled infectiously at a dog chasing its tail. I can't get enough of her laughter. It makes me giddy.
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These three are a whole lot of sunshine. Bar, of course, the huge massive meltdowns yesterday, but let's gloss over all that with the pictures of bright yellow flowers and smiling happy children, shall we? Today, well today is going to be just fine. :) Particularly since Martin has a day off. ;)


  1. Beautiful Spring-ness. The daffs are all going over here now, missing their brightness as they fade, but it's been replaced with blossoms and bright greens, and the bluebells are showing their colour now - ready to burst.

    Hope you have a happy day today x

  2. I Love your daffodils!!! enjoy, enjoy your cute girls! they are a blessing!!


Penny for your thoughts? :)