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15 March 2011

Chill Spring Days

We are outdoors a lot this week. It's bitterly cold (often) but with some warmth in the full sun that finds its way through to us, under those still-alluring glimpses of blue sky. The girls shed their coats at the earliest opportunity. I seem to spend a lot of time collecting and attempting to replace discarded knitwear. The wool vests are about as good as it gets in the quest to keep them wrapped up!
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Yesterday they ate all of their meals out of doors. I kept a flask of chamomile tea topped up and toasty (must knit a cozy for it though, as the stainless steel gets pretty hot!) and provided a steady stream of warming food (pesto pasta, boiled eggs, fruit cake, and a bento box of salad vegetables and cooked chicken).
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The outside is reflected indoors - our Season Table hasn't yet decided whether spring has truly sprung or not!
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Penny for your thoughts? :)