DSC09753 - Copy

12 March 2012

Just so's you know...

This is what my living room looks like when Martin works a long shift.
Yeah.  Welcome to my world.


  1. yeah, we use to keep a bin of toys in the living room, but i nixed that one. now the mess is upstairs....sort of. they still manage to bring a lot downstairs, but at least it's not right there for them to just throw around. we have mass amounts of crumbs and stepped on food all over our living room. the floor is our table.

  2. Ahhh I know that scene intimately.
    Thank goodness for warmer weather, kids have been outdoors most of the day, so the lounge has stayed tidy! Yay!

  3. ha ha ha! this made me chuckle! my living room looks like this whether OH is here or not as he does diddly squat to help anyway!!!

  4. How come it doesn't take long and it's so much fun to get the living room looking like this...but takes ages and not at all fun to tidy up? ;-) xxx

  5. Mine looks like that most days.

  6. That is a scene I know well, one I see most days.

  7. That makes ours look tidy! Why do kids think it's so much fun to feed the carpet???? I even Rug Doctor'd a couple of weeks ago, not that you'd think it.


Penny for your thoughts? :)