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24 December 2010

Christmas Greetings, All

So, it's here at last, everything prepared for tomorrow morning and so much excitement and joy in the small things. Faith, friends, family, good food, warmth, celebration, and simple heartfelt gifts all ready and waiting.

However you celebrate, have a marvellous day tomorrow. And whether you celebrate the birth of Christ or not (or on some other date), I will just say, I pray for all blessings upon you and yours in the coming days.

**Praise to you, Presence, whom heaven cannot hold. For you cannot be found in dogma and doctrine, but come with tiny finger print, like the mark left on all that is made. Praise to you for the glimpse of heaven here.

Divine Storyteller, not for you pious platitudes, but love beyond imagining for the stories of each and all. Daily, busy, ordinariness. Tell all who need to hear this day, of the old old story of your love for us in every detail of our lives. As the gift is given secretly in quiet of night, bless us all with the surprise of your nearness.**


  1. Such beautiful words. May god continue to bless you in all you do.

    Happy Christmas
    with much love San, Dave, Benedict and Pip xx

  2. So happy Christmas to you Sarah!!! I really hope you and your little ones are having a blast together with a lot of new happy memories!!!

  3. Merry xmas and a birght happy new year:)Hope you xmas days was a truely magical one:D

  4. Seasons blessings to you all.

  5. Merry Christmas to you all xx

  6. Great Blog! Looking forward to reading more!


Penny for your thoughts? :)