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19 January 2007

New things that the baby is doing

Yesterday while Martin had a job interview (please oh please let something good happen about his working soon!) Morgan laughed for the first time. At Jenna, of course, not me…

She and Jenna were smiling at each other, making faces and stuff and Jenna was giggling away as she usually is. Then she went to kiss Morgan with chocolate biscuit (yes I know!) on her face (oh sin of sins, chocolate) and smeared it all over her. SO Morgan is sitting there grinning from ear to ear with this teeny chocolatey beard, and Jenna is giggling. And she chuckled. :) This dirty, naughty little baby laugh! It is, like all of Morgan, absolutely perfect in every way.

Oh and she doesn’t smell of cheese any more, and the new baby smell IS the BEST!

Her other new thing is vocalising,she is just so chatty. She is making little vowel noises and stuff that Jenna didn’t bother with until much later. And Jenna was an early talker, God only knows how we’ll handle Morgan if she’s any more ahead. :S She says, “AGGGA” a lot, for some reason. It probably means, “milk”. ;)

Today has been the funeral of a childhood friend’s grandmother. Her mum asked me to sing, and I barely managed it (crying just shot my voice to pieces, especially when my friend read a beautiful letter that she had written to her Nan and just couldn’t hold it together… It’s hard to let go of what you love, even with the living you have the daily balance between loving someone and taking care of their needs, and stifling, suffocating the relationship that relies on two people being interdependent and keeping their uniqueness.

I was left praying that when I go, I leave behind such good memories.

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