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31 January 2011

Nearly-Spring Inspirations

Last week was kind of dark, for me. I probably could have been better prepared for it as my hormones are most definitely waxing and waning more strongly at the moment, and the least I could have been doing would be making sure I was getting trace minerals in my diet... Alas, Thursday began with me having to take myself for a cold walk at silly o'clock in the morning after a long night of wakeful baby and not-very-well husband.

The weekend brought a true break in the clouds, and I'm feeling restored to myself now, though still a little in need of solitude in my day. I love the New Moon! I did a huge ammount of spring cleaning again though, and found my journal (!) so every day when Martin gets in from work I'm going to take a few minutes to paint or write (alone) and just the thought of that few minutes a day is cheering me. :)
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Imbolc and Candlemass are big themes this week. We have drawn Brigid/Briget pictures and written spring songs, and read stories today. The Waldorf Main Lesson Book for the bits and pieces that we are busy with is somehow casting a magical spell over Jenna's desire to finish things and create work of astonishing attention to detail.
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Sometimes I get this feeling of "oh God, I'm being Sucked In" with things like this, but I'm trying to find a comfortable place between theory and real life. Sometimes I read something and want to throw out all the good we have found just to try some fascinating theory, but usually common sense reigns that tendancy in... And looking at my children reminds me that the search for the good in these things is to serve the needs of real people not to push them to fit anothers' ideal.
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I did a table-top play of St Brigid's Cloak, on a playsilk scene, and of course Jenna then wore her own cloak all day... On my to-do list, good hooded cloaks for all three of them... Waldorf learning is taking us to places of beauty and truth, but it is just a tool, just a way of being more ourselves. Waldorf inspired unschooling. Yes, I've said it before, it sounds strange, but it works beautifully for us. :)
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A walk to the park. Nothing coming close to looking like rushes for Brigid's Crosses. Well, there is plenty of today left... and plenty of Grace to cover the moments when we don't live up to all we wish to be, and don't get done all that we feel needs to be done.
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  1. Love to you mama! Waldorf inspired unschooling makes absolute sense to me. It's exactly how I'd describe my ideal home learning approach.


  2. how very intriguing, the waldorf edu. i've been to look it up and it looks interesting.


Penny for your thoughts? :)