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26 January 2011

Not a Baby

Last night, Rowan picked up the Ostheimer baby wolf, and started calling, "woofie, where is it woofie, where woofie gone?" I realised she was looking for mama wolf, so I hunted through the basket, and passed it over.

She made mama and baby kiss, and then laid them down on their sides and declared, "woofie sleep!"

Ahhh she is so little, and so cute, and ahhhh she isn't allowed to grow quite so fast!

A moment later I was singing Rowan a lullaby, and she had brought the wolves over really gently and laid them (still apparently asleep) on my arm. She was stroking them as she nursed and drifted.

Then she sat bolt upright, and said, "sheep, sheep" so I asked if she wanted me to sing "sleep baby sleep" again and she shook her head, no, "sleep WOOFIE" she said. Yes, I said, wolfie is asleep.

"NOOOO sleep woofie SING!"

So I had to sing her wolves a lullaby.


  1. Aaawwwwww! Gorgeous! They have absolutely no right to grow so quickly. But then this age is so sweet! Cherish every moment lovely mama.

  2. They grow up too quickly but every stage is so wonderful.

  3. how very sweet of her... cherish your moments xx

  4. So right - they just keep on growing and before you know it they are all grown up and the cuddles are long gone, well almost....
    Enjoy each and every day, we would never really wish them back just as long as each new one is filled with happiness.


Penny for your thoughts? :)