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16 May 2012

Knitting, and, well, Knitting

I have been knitting a lot this week, but only little bits of different small projects.  I cast on Mary's Cardi which looks like a real faff but is so pretty I have decided to FORCE myself to knit it as written.  The Rico Poems is such a lovely yarn (I have to stop myself continuing to add "for acrylic" every time I compliment it), and is striping up beautifully in this little top.
And I'm still working on the little blue silk Aviatrix. (And the last scan showed that the expected baby is a new little NEPHEW!  So it will be just perfect.)  And I've worked most of a(nother) Little Coffee Bean in scraps.  I can't believe how far the scraps of that James C Brett Monsoon went.  I'll have more scraps soon as I'm starting a shawl that has some complimentary self-striping in it.
As for reading, well, nothing really.  A few more pages of Emma.  A few pages of yet another GPTaylor which I'm not even sure I'll bother finishing.  But no, not a lot of reading time this week.  I guess the yarn dyeing has been keeping my spare moments all booked up!  Pictures of pretty hand dyed yarn later in the week, I promise.  xxx


  1. Because I am a total wool addict (gulp, how did that happen), I clicked off to Ebay to check out the Rico yarn and it says 100% wool? Is it wool or acrylic?
    Here is the linky


    Also, have you tried this one


    Its a blend as well, I have just ordered 2 balls to see how it is - seduced by the price lol.

    And, I have just counted and I have 23 different yarns saved on my Ebay list, that is shocking haha.


  2. The top picture is Poems Superba Sock which is 75% wool. The Poems Aran is pure wool, but honestly unless you wanted it for felting, the James C Brett colours are nicer IMO and it's much cheaper (though low wool content again). I'm just knitting with Rico Melange which is a chunky 50% wool blend and is again very very nice and stripes beautifully. Another good Noro substitute without the price tag!

  3. I was thinking that it reminded me of Noro :)
    It has some beautiful colours running through it.
    I've really got to get around to giving the Aviatrix a go one of these days too, it's been on my knitting list for far too long.

    Thanks for your lovely comment over at my blog :)

    1. You're welcome! It's lovely to find such an inspiring beautiful blog. :)


Penny for your thoughts? :)