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6 May 2012

I'm still poorly - have park pictures instead!




A weekly tradition!  Park on Sunday afternoon.  The children are all well again, so off we went (too late for Church anyway because I didn't wake up til 10), and I probably should regret it because I'm dizzy and achy again, but honestly, sitting in the sunshine putting the world to rights with my best friend was just what I needed emotionally.  I'm going to drink my cup of tea, take an afternoon nap for the first time since I was pregnant with Tali, and *possibly* even finish knitting Martin's birthday present.  And tomorrow, I am not going to be ill any more.

Wish me luck with that, eh?  ;)


  1. hope you feel better soon xx

  2. Sending healing vibes your way sweet mama. Oh and please tell me that big grown up boy in the last photo isn't Connor! Ack these children get big :) x

  3. Sunshine usually helps in the long run...could you please send some my way?

  4. Hope you're feeling better xxx


Penny for your thoughts? :)