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29 March 2010

A quick note

After worrying everyone so much, when our computer went down yesterday I thought I'd better make use of the library to let you all know where I am this time. ;) The computer won't communicate with the keyboard. We have borrowed another keyboard, and still nothing. So it's wait and see time, and hopefully we'll be back to normal service sooner or later.

I have crocheted my first pair of socks (red bamboo ones for the baby) and made more hot cross buns. And we are in the middle of our Passover preparations and lots of spring crafting. And the garden is starting to grow lovely fresh food. None of which I can show you. I know I have messages to respond to also, and can't get them, because this computer (in the children's area) doesn't allow forums. *sigh* Well, Jennifer (hugs), yes. I will email you about my booking, I promise! And Ashleigh, I love you very much and I am buying a steamer today. I can't remember what else...

Ack, I have so much to share, and so little time. The sun is beautiful today, calling us to the park or the river. But I doubt we'll escape town for a while yet. These are the times when I wish we lived somewhere more rural - but then without the computer I suppose we could feel a bit isolated. Whereas here... I met a lady on the park yesterday who is going to ring me to arrange babywearing classes. And we've just had a morning of playing with friends at Story Time. Life is so full, and so good. We can skate over all the little niggles. We are together, and well, and happy. :)


  1. Oh dear, I hope your computer is better soon. It sounds like you need to do a complete wipe of the system and load everything back on (remember to back everything up first)...oh wait.. duh; bit hard to do when the keyboard isn't playing ball - eeek sorry **blushing**


  2. We think it's the connections at the back, so we're at the asking-Chris-nicely-to-look-at-it stage before the wheedling-computer-parts-out-of-my-dad stage. ;) Ah well, seems about right lol. No disasters for a few weeks!

    Why is it that as soon as I mention sun on my blog, it starts to tip it down? We got drenched coming back from town! But I'm whining now, and I have nothing to whine about. The children are doing great, in fact, everything is great. :)

    Except the computer. ;)


Penny for your thoughts? :)