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17 August 2011

End of Summer

(Sorry, yes, I know, you Summer-loving peoples are sad, but I LOVE AUTUMN!) A little chill in the air yesterday, first outing of the wooly clothes.
Smelling the last of the Summer's roses. This garden has such gorgeous smelling rose bushes, we always have to stop here a while when we walk this way.
Honest-to-goodness fallen golden leaves.
We found piles and piles of lime and linden fallen last week, and crunched through them in delight. I can barely believe the *actual leaves* are falling already! Yay, Autumn crafts!!
The children rampaged around in the bushes. The mamas (and daddies) had a lovely Sling Meet.
By this afternoon I was tired and grumpy, we had to head into town to meet family (my brother's birthday) and it was just as horrible a place as I remembered to be with little people. So I was exhausted by the time we got home. To make up for grumpiness I did make some easy chocolate cookies.
Cookies made everything better. And I'm feeling more baking coming on, too. The blackberries are ripe, and I want blackberry cinnamon cake! :)


  1. It's been another funny year for the seasons hasn't it? We were picking blackberried early July this year which is just wrong, and golden leaves have been around a while too.
    On a walk through some woodland today we say black ripe elderberries! and I've seen sloes ready for picking too but the frosts are a long way off, mind you I usually freeze them to split the skins anyway.

    Still warm and sunny here so hanging on to Summer, although I do love Autumn too so it will be welcome when it arrives properly ;-)

  2. Last week when I went to bed the air coming through the window smelt cold & damp. I love summer but also love Autumn, my two favourite words combine {Autumnal Equinox} you can't help but love the way it rolls of the tongue! Thinking about it the only season I find 'hard/un-enjoyable' is Winter, the cold/greyness of it penetrates.

  3. I'm with you I ADORE the autumn! I have felt the change over the last week it was odd because I was supposed to be full of the joys of Lammas and bouniful harvest, but I in the back ground was the smell f damp leaves and a cooler breeze! x x x

  4. I am so jealous you guys have such a short summer!! It's so hot and sticky here and autumn in a LONG way away, like at least 6-8 wks. I'm right there with you-give me sweaters and baking and crunchy leaves any day!

  5. i do love summer, but there is something special about Autumn!! I start to feel the need to gather and hold things close. Bunker down and snuggle with my babies xx


Penny for your thoughts? :)