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22 February 2011

Our Day

I started off today feeling so frazzled! The older girls were bickering, a lot, and I was at my wits end mediating between them and scripting non-violent interactions to the point where I took them to seperate rooms and retreated to feel guilty about it until we were all calm enough to try again... This sibling fighting thing is a really recent thing for us, and they are pretty physical with each other. I know a big part of it is needing more outdoor time, so I distracted them with circle and snacks before herding them all outside to dig some holes for our new second-hand rose bushes. I hope the plants survive their move!

We all felt much better after a good hour physical labour. :) No pictures - muddy hands. ;)

We did eventually get around to some of the things we had planned though. A bit of spinning with the drop spindle resulted in both girls laughing and working together, though not a lot of very slubby yarn! :) Oh, and Jenna was clamouring to get out her Main Lesson Book, and astounded me with this double page spread from the Story of the World book (all her own ideas)!
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And then the afternoon of calm free play, interrupted by one of our most fascinating yearly visitors - the gas safety inspector, who was slightly abashed to be the centre of attention as the children calmoured to ask what his gadgets did and why he was turning that, lifting that off, lighting the other lol.

As usual I totally forgot he was coming, and the poor man had to kneel in the children's breadcrumbs and bits of dropped carrot from lunch. *sigh* He took it in good grace, and told me that it was one of the tidier homes he'd visited today (which was kind of him, but I sincerely doubt)!

Where were we, yes, play!
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My camera takes atrocious pictures when backlit, but anyhow, I had to try. Look at the little people eating cake. Cuteness. :)
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Roo fell asleep after snack time.
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She doesn't often sleep on me like this any more, so I enjoyed the moment, even if it did stop me casting on a new knitting project. Daddy will be home in a minute, and I'm feeling really organised and contented now, vegan lasagne in the oven, yummy spelt banana and date pudding waiting for me to make custard to go with, living room tidy, I really didn't expect today to end so nicely.


  1. So precious, the sleeping child. My children bicker and fight and usually rachet it up at dinner prpearation time when it is cold and fozen and dark outside at this time of year. They are seven years apart in age and it makes no difference. You are not alone Sarah! I'm glad to hear your day ended nicely. : )


Penny for your thoughts? :)