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22 June 2010

Solstice Sun

Beaming-bright daughter wearing her new rainbow tshirt, made by her own fair hands (and assisted by mine, which are still bright green).My crafty-success-of-the-day, as I found three baby items for £1 in a charity shop recently and couldn't resist this BEAUTIFUL too-small baby vest. It looked kind of stretched, but I knew it wouldn't be long enough. Well, a pair of scissors, needle and thread, and this marvelous piece of fabric picked up at Ecofest last year in the Free Shop, and here we have: a Solstice Dress. Oh yes indeed.Pretty much our day was spent in the garden. We did sun-paper prints, and poems, and water lilies. We made lemon and raspberry cake, and then didn't eat it because Sam brought ice-cream!

In the evening we played out some more, ate our tea outside (yorkshire puds and veg) and lit a fire.
Toasting marshmallows was less successful, most of them got crisped by Jenna, but ah well. I don't actually like marshmallows. ;)


  1. That dress is so beautiful, you are so clever!

  2. That dress is gorgeous!

    Solstice blessing, Sarah :-) Looks like you had a marvelous time.

  3. A quirky cute dress for 30p has to be a good thing. :) We did have a nice day in the end, I got a bit frazzled about nothing turning out as planned and wanting to make the day "work" but in the end, a bit of sewing helped me pull myself together.

  4. That T shirt is amazing! :)


Penny for your thoughts? :)