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4 April 2012

Knitting and Reading - the holiday edition!

Would it surprise you to hear that I'm still not even halfway through A Dance with Dragons?  No?  It isn't so much the sheer size of the book, as it is, well, the sheer size of the book.

In the past week I have read one of those Eragon books (again, not remembering that I wasn't over-keen the first time around), Mortal Engines (which is AWESOME), as well as finishing Goblet of Fire and Charlotte's Web with Jenna, and starting a bunch of GPTaylor books in the hopes that I hit upon one a good deal more interesting that Tersias (which I found extremely bleak).

But I'm not getting far with Dance with Dragons, even though I am *really* enjoying it.  It's just too hefty to carry around, read in the car, or the bath, or any time I'm holding the baby, which rules out just about all of my reading time.  *shut-up-about-your-kindle-version-thankyousoverymuch-Ashleigh*

Knitting, weeellll now...  I've had a whole week on the beach.  *beam*

Happy happy happy.  And when this happened...
THIS happened...
It's a Faraway So Close in scrap yarn and on bigger circulars, and I am loving it, and it's just zooming along.  I don't know what it's for yet...  I might not be able to bring myself to part with it.  Actually it's nearly done now, but no picture from any more recently than last week!

I started Dvjelue baby helmet hat in the car on the way up north.  It worked up fairly slowly but wasn't too tricky for car knitting, though I knitting a six month size and it's only just right for Tali!
The Amazing Maurice was a second hand purchase for Martin, who is really enjoying it, and I'm looking forwards to reading it aloud to Jenna shortly.
The yarn is the Yvestown bright pure wool, and much brighter than that (slightly backlit) picture.  I will have to get more of it, because there are just not enough rainbow things in my life!


PS, the orange and blue stripes popped up on auto-post last week after I'd posted them off to a friend - here they are!


  1. Must come visit as soon as I can, lol, so wanna pick your brain on fantasy reading. I use to love it, but been so many years since I read fantasy I don't know who is good these days and there's so much out there.

    And I'm loving your hats, fab. Oh and Talia on the beach, so cute **melt**

  2. She's such a BEAMING baby! That dimple...

    I just pick stuff up from the library more or less at random... I rather enjoyed the Kristin Kashore stuff, and I'm enjoying George R Martin's Song of Ice and Fire series (but the books really do get unmanageably large for holding).

    Mortal Engines is junior fiction but one of the first really original things I've read for a while, and very steampunk (bonus points for steampunk, in my estimation)!

    I read fast and prolifically, and rarely don't finish something. But there aren't many books I really want to keep.

    (Do you like Robin Hobb? She has two fairly recent books out, adding to some of the previous trilogies. Rain Wilds Chronicles I think this pair-soon-to-be-a-trilogy is called.)

  3. Haha! Yup, I'm loving my kindle! I've finally finished book one and am a few chapters into book two. The week of nights seriously scuppered my reading... and knitting... and basically anything other than the essentials to keep me alive and going to work! I have finally finished the pieces of the pixie coat - finished at silly oclock in the morning yesterday when my body clock/rhythm was so confused that it thought 2.15am was the perfect time to be wide awake! Just have to sew them together.

  4. Am so loving the first photo of you and the very gorgeous Talia :)

  5. wow what a lovely hat. Beautiful! and what a beautiful baby! She is gorgeous!

  6. Thankyou! :)

    And lol poor Ash, hope your body clock catches up with itself soon. (hugs)

  7. Love the Talia pics on the beach - I love dimples!

    Great knitting too x


Penny for your thoughts? :)