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5 April 2011

Weekending and Whirling

I am really struggling to put things into words today, such a huge momentus something and the words just won't come out right. I'm nervous and amazed and honoured and delighted and feel like I'm caught in a strong current I can't direct or fight. Surrendering my idea of control, is, well, scary. I have absolutely no say over whether or not this baby makes it. Right now, that feels OK, but still... scary.

Anyway, weekendness and family. :) Here is my Anniversary card from sweet Martin, and two very glittery cards from those funny lovely girls.
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We were heading to my mum's Church, but found the congregation inexplicably not in their usual venue, so we headed for a walk in the woods instead.
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Sunday Skywatch: cool deep blue and barely sheerly whispily vieled in clouds. The breeze was refreshing, but the ground dry and hard.
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The little forest pools were drying right out and lots of tadpoles had died; Jenna spent a good while in the mud in her white party shoes, digging a channel to allow some of the puddles to join together and releasing the restless wriggling helpless trapped.
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On the meadow, "FLOWLOWS!" :)
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Such a lot else to say, but it's all going around and around, so I'll leave it at that for today. I am so blessed!


  1. So very pleased to read this little bit of news!!! I don't use the forum much so thank you for sharing on your blog.

    Will most definitely keep you in prayers and what a lovely Mother's Day Gift.

    May God keep you and this precious one in His good care.

    With much love and hugs San and all xxxxx

  2. Fingers crossed for you.Hugs


Penny for your thoughts? :)