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19 November 2010

Message from Jenna

helo i feel new i am so shy to be riting
evreyone that is lisning i hope that you are having fun and having a gud day today.
more productive 020
i love my new diary and i have winter boots and i love my family and i am a bit crazy.
i mis bailey and jazy and oz and leni and emly.
lots of love from jenna


  1. Good Morning to you dear Jenna, lovely Typing xx it's very cold and I think we all need winter boots , My little boy is running around in his cinderella dress !! :-) have a lovely day x

  2. Hello Jenna,
    I love your photo and your hat is fab :)
    I'm a little bit crazy too lol xx

  3. Absolutely marvelous!!! I'm a little crazy too Jenna!

  4. Hello Jenna - what a lovely picture and I love your hat. Sorry you are missing your friends. xxx

  5. What great typing Jenna - you seem so grown up already! I hope you have a special weekend.


Penny for your thoughts? :)