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12 May 2010

More catching up

Another garden day, filled with magic and wonder. Baby salad leaves coming up in the old sandbox. Lavender and apple blossom and fairies. :)Very proud of this - made with my hand-dye, to an improvised pattern!Attenborough, a 3 mile walk, no complaints and lots of foraging along the way. And the tiny toddler being all independant and funny, being retrieved from the nettles several times before I persuaded her back into the sling with promises of milk (sweet bribery).My children, well they are gorgeous. Jenna decided one day to count up to 100 and did so, and keeps doing so until I want to scream. Morgan is, well, very much her normal happy funny self. Rowan decided to sleep in Morgan's room in the spare bed, slept 8 hours (for the first time in six months) and hasn't coslept since - and the last two nights has refused to feed to sleep either. I am finding it lonely and scary, but barely know what to do with myself on actual sleep.I find project after project for gifting and enjoying, and am feeling so very capable of providing for our needs for clothing and warmth, toys and food. We also went to a couple of car boots and found a wooden baby swing and lots of non-matching drinking glasses for a total spend of under £3. Getting that frontier-mama feeling!Life, in short, is good!


  1. I am, I really am, chuffed to bits you're having such a lovely normal, happy time.. but ohhh I've missed you! Glad to have you back hun :-)

    And I have today, just discoverd green juice.. oh my gosh! How delicious and both kids gulped it down noisily too! Wow.

  2. Aw, welcome back! It's nice to have my little daily(ish) dose of "alternative to mine" life, full of activity and crafting and the people I love and hold so dear. I've really missed you guys!


Penny for your thoughts? :)