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22 September 2011

Warmth on a Grey Day

On a chilly lovely grey breezy day, it feels like the perfect time for blustery walks and kites and crafting and baking.
No-bake fudge flapjack cookies.
350g sugar, 115g butter, 120ml milk, 3tbsp cocoa (combined in saucepan and boiled for one minute)
100g nut butter, 1tsp vanilla, 270g oats (stirred in, then dollops of mixture onto greaseproof paper to set)

And some knitting: a babywearing coat panel for Minnow and I to snuggle in, come winter. I'm largely making it up as I go along, but it shouldn't be too complicated.
Today my day started with doing my first ever morning school run (I'm helping out Aoife and Roisin's mummy and daddy this week), followed by picking up peanut butter and milk from the local shops (with Jenna in welly boots and PJs, and Rowan with bare feet). This afternoon I'll be doing our third afternoon school run; though this is the only day I'll be dropping them off and picking them up again. It feels so strange! Other parents with children the same age as mine do the school run All The Time, and I'm a complete novice. Gosh, what a lot of time it takes out of the day when I really think about it, and what a lot of restrictions it puts on what else we can do. But Aoife and Roisin's company is well worth the strange induction to the world of keeping normal school hours. :)
Cuddled up on the sofa, three sisters in harmony (at the moment I would have to add "for once" for the sake of honesty)... And I'm about to have a cuppa and get on with my knitting before the school run. :)


  1. That yarn is rather lovely :)

  2. I can't bring myself to care that it's acrylic; as it's so pretty, and so soft, and so cheap! James C Brett Marble Chunky, about £5 for 200g. :)


Penny for your thoughts? :)