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9 July 2010

Colouring our World

A house full of wool again, because, well, what better to keep our hands and heads busy than soaking, washing, mixing, painting, pouring, warming, steaming, winding and spinning? Planned colour combinations taking up many sheets of paper. Witches' kitchen with coloured pots steaming. Breezy washing line drying out our treasures. Sharing and joy and creativity.


  1. :):):) (need I say more, when you already know!)

  2. Sounds like bliss to me x
    Wonderful colours.

  3. I've only just caught up with your blog after a couple of weeks of being lazy with it, and would just like to say that despite things being far from ideal, you have posted some beautiful and inspiring photos. I hope you can be as bright and happy as those pictures soon, and you know where I am if you need or want anything.
    xx xx

  4. Lovely.

    Sounds a good way to drown the grief a bit :-)


Penny for your thoughts? :)