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12 July 2012

A Yes Day

It has been another long week for Martin, and so another long week for me too, when he hasn't had a whole day off in nearly two weeks, and I'm starting to allow myself to turn parenting into a round of chores to be ticked off so I can get to the fun stuff...
Yesterday I woke up, and thought to myself, it can be a chore - or it can be a sparkling adventure, and it's entirely MY choice.  I can choose to smile, laugh, say yes, PLAY, have fun, roll with the challenges, and keep a good attitude.  Or I can be miserable all day.  Again.

Today has been harder again, because there are always easy days and tough ones.  Still... that early morning epiphany is helping me stay that little bit more contented.  Today I haven't seen my husband since we all woke up this morning, and he'll be home after bedtime.  I have a list of work to be getting on with here.  The girls have been told that there will be no sleepovers until their play room has a floor (!) but we've had friends over and cake and laughter and time (and a bit of grouchiness from me, but not so much as some days)!

In other news, Talia's rose has bloomed this year against all expectation.  It's perfect.

And so is she!

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