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8 August 2012

Yarn Along - crochet, freeformed cables, and still not getting into my books

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A special hat for a special little boy.  I'm making the cable tree up as I go along, and I'm really pleased with how easily it's coming along.  I was so scared of cables such a short time ago!
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Last in a long line of shop commissions, another lovely little short sleeved cardigan.  I have such a list of Christmas things to start while I have a little break in work for other people!  :)

The book, well, I want to love it.  It has been recommended to me a few times, and it seems like it *will* be something I get into.  But I'm barely making it past the first page before I get interrupted.  I have a time limit on this, too, because my mum wants it back!  :S


  1. Wow! I love the cable tree! It is magical. I'm still a fraidy cat when it comes to cables. It's on that always growing list of stitches to try.

    Popped over from the Yarn Along :)

    1. Lovely to meet you, and thank you. :) I only worked my first ever cables a month or two ago!

  2. I knitted 2 cable hats as Christmas pressies last year and I was surprised at how easy it was, even for a hopeless knitter like me lol.

  3. The hat looks lovely, I remember being "scared" of cables too - funny that they are so simple once you give them a try.

  4. That cable tree is so beautiful! Is it your own pattern?
    I love the colours in the crochet cardigan. So summery :) You use such beautiful yarn in your work!

    1. It's most often my own hand dye. :) I adore yarn shopping, too, and could easily have a house full if the budget ever allowed. :)

      I made up the tree pattern as I went along. It was easier than it sounds!

  5. Beautiful work Sarah! Am about to recommend you to my local natural mamas group for all things handmade. Suddenly thought to do it. :) xx


Penny for your thoughts? :)