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23 July 2009

Keeping busy

For a few days now, Rowan has had a bit of a cough and been generally under the weather. Of course, now we've been told it's swine flu... But if it is it isn't bothering any of us much (only me lol, splitting headache) - mostly it just means we're stuck here rather than risking passing it on. *sigh*

I certainly can't give her medication, because we haven't weighed her LOL, and I can't take anything because nobody is sure about breastfeeding. Ah well. *shrugs*

So we traced each other today, and coloured in clothes on some of the outlines, and did body parts on others. Then we read. Did some yoga. Watched The Secret of Moonacre (Jenna and I now want to live there, thankyouverymuch, with the bedroom that has real stars on the ceiling and the fairytale faux-gothic dresses).Then we played in the garden, picked more broccoli and ate it raw, gathered and dried some more rose petals, picked our first tomatoes. And when we came in we finished the Very Hungry Caterpillar picture we were making a couple of days ago.Also, I had to take another picture of Jenna's game with the small figures! She had several birds, a baby dragon, and a horse, all eating a fried egg together today. For reasons known only to herself...Hmm, what else? Oh, gorgeous pre-loved clothes and books came from Gina today (thanks Gina!) so we have plenty to read. And Myriad sent our order of Birthday and Christmas presents (oh yes, nearly halfway with Christmas making and buying already) and it's SO tempting to unwrap everything. But if I don't leave it boxed up then the smalls will find something they ought not!

Off now then, to drink another herbal tea and hope that I feel better tomorrow... It's never really quiet around here. Can't decide today if that is a happy thought or not. I think, on balance, it is. :)


  1. Glad it arrived safely :)

    (Sent you an email today but not sure if it got to you as I'm still having problems with virgin's email....)

    Love The Hungry caterpillar picture, think I will see if Mia would like to do that tomorrow...

    Gina xxx

  2. we are all in quarantine too , lovely pictures x hope you all get better soon x

  3. We've been similarly afflicted, but didn't realise it was the Swine at the time so just went out anyway! The headache is the worst bit. Get well soon xxx

  4. we've all got coughy/coldy type things, and my brother is feeling sick with it and has a temperature, so chances are we have it too. Maybe? I dunno. Only it never entered my head until this morning, and i was holding in 11day old baby yesterday :S

  5. We're all still a bit under the weather today but not too bad still, Rowan is very hot so she's all naked here nursing lol! We'll get over it fast enough I'm sure, just hoping we didn't give it to MIL on Sunday. :(

  6. Hope you all get better soon and find plenty of things to keep the littlies amused. xx

  7. Hope you are all feeling a bit better now. I am intrigued as to what you have chosen for your littlies presents, we are in the process of choosing something for Thomas as we'll be pretty busy in November when I usually do my Christmas ordering!

    Alice x

  8. Hey, Alice, good to see you around! :) Morgan's birthday presents are the green leaf gnome house and Ostheimer troll child. Jenna's are another bit for their Kinderkram castle and Ostheimer unicorn...

    PS: Re bump blessing, could you have a virtual party and get mamas from around the internet to send you a patch for a baby blanket, a bead for a labour bracelet, a prayer or blessing or poem to add to a book for baby...? Wish I could come henna you!

  9. Thanks for the reply, I have what seems like a huge bump already so would need a truck of henna!!!! Our computer stopped working for a month and is only working now because DH spent hours and hours moaning and pestering sky to get them to believe it wouldn't work! I really missed everyone (although my back ache mysteriously improved when I couldn't sit browsing the pc!) So much to catch up on now, am reading blogs from last month still!

    Alice x


Penny for your thoughts? :)