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20 November 2009

Another weekly assortment

Mostly these are random pictures from this week, but also from other recent weeks - you know, those things that don't get posted until I get around to a major photo upload session. Yeah, yeah, I did it this morning and I KNOW I promised the GP Meet pictures but you'll have to wait for those, I've got a lot to get around to posting!

New books, always an occasion. Ostheimer animals sent from Bristol too (Playful Toys - this lady undercuts Myriad by quite a bit on the smallest figures, I can't find her phone number but when I do I'll post it up!). New Ikea plates, bowls and cutlery with felt food also from Playful Toys; I love that some folks know my children so very well... Ashleigh, you're a star.Em and Connor, trying out an early birthday present (the nursing necklace - love love love those bead finds). I think I'm allowed to announce their joyful news now too - OVER TWO WEEKS fully breastfed, no bottles, no shields, nothing but mama milk and cuddling! Yipeee!Rainbow love. Every time the sun comes out during a shower Jenna shouts, "there must be a rainbow somewhere, help me find a rainbow!" I am so blessed to have these two little people who love the wet and cold; every year I have to learn the joy of jumping in puddles all over again but it seems they are born knowing.Crazy collaborative almost-mandala. Morgan helps with these now, and Jenna is usually so patient with her. The way she makes room in her games for Morgan and the inevitable clash of wanting things done RIGHT and Morgan just wanting to mess about... She is a huge lesson for me.Mmm broccoli. Oh drat, PRETEND broccoli...A cruising baby, just turned seven months (she has been pulling up to stand for a month now, very scary). Also, if I sit her down she is now more likely to get bored and crawl off than to protest discomfort or topple over backwards. She is never still!


  1. Aw, looks like you've had a lovely week. I like rainbows too, would gladly go rainbow hunting!! Glad to see Em and Connor doing so well. Your support for them has been amazing and such a blessing for them.

    Hope you are feeling better now? I've all but finished Rowan's (very large) cardigan now, it helps if I remember to buy buttons though! I won't bother posting it, it's not as if there's a rush to get it to you before she grows out of it!! I'll bring it up with me when I next come up.


  2. Crikey, Rowan's really on the move now isn't she, it doesn't seem that long ago since you announced her birth.
    We've been looking out for rainbows too, but never seem to have the camera in the right place at the right time.

  3. I can't believe Rowan is cruising already!! Ingrid was over a year old and that was bad enough :) They get into so much more as they get mobile!

    Love the rainbow pictures!

  4. i can't believe how quickly Rowan is growing xx

  5. Ahhh I dooo so love reading your blog and catching up with what your girls have been up to :-) Beautiful photos.

    And yes, yes, yes please, can we see more GP meet photos!!!!!

  6. We've spent most of the past week chasing rainbows too. I'm sure the boys love the wind and rain far more than the heat and sunlight. Great pictures as always.

  7. Great news about Conor. :) Fantastic! x


Penny for your thoughts? :)