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28 June 2009

Did you miss me?

Ten days without an entry must be my record for the whole time I've been blogging! Once again, just too busy to turn the computer on at the moment. I don't know where the days go, but the summer weather is keeping us outside from dawn til dusk a fair number of days. Other fun things too, but will leave that to the mega picture post I'm going to try to get up in a minute.

Also, have maybe been avoiding putting anything new up in emotional self-defence. I don't want to talk about my kitten!! :( Charlie (yes, the children named him) had to be relocated after our cat tried to kill him and then refused to come back inside the house AT ALL until he was gone. She wouldn't even come in to eat! Insecure creature - anyway, she was here first.

So we said a very very tearful farewell to Charlie. The children didn't seem to mind much, though Morgan keeps saying, "Where Charlie gone? Charlie come back ME house!!" I am heartbroken.Oh goodness, I'm too tired to think of all the things I want to say. Apart from this: the day the news was full of reports about health and safety in schools, I snapped this picture from the other end of the garden without the children seeing me. *grins* Health and safety be damned!


  1. Yes I missed you!!! Have thinking something was wrong with my link! Glad you are all well, and just too busy to post xx

  2. We did miss you! That's a shame about the kitten but it can't be helped. There's no negotiating with cats, I've discovered!
    Love that picture of the girls on the swing. Would love to see how Morgan got down from there! xx

  3. Lol she took one leg off and stood her foot down on the swing, then declared, "STUCK STUCK HEWP ME!! STUCK!!" I rescued them.

    My aproach to health and safety: stop them doing anything that will definately kill them, let them try almost anything else, be close enough to hear the screams. ;)

  4. Yep, missed you and family's adventures!

    Rye too, I think he may have a crush on Jenna..lol, he seemed very happy to see pictures of the girls again... or it was the swing??? mmm.


  5. **My aproach to health and safety: stop them doing anything that will definately kill them, let them try almost anything else, be close enough to hear the screams. ;)***

    loud cheers!!!!!! I am the same! if we take adventure away from children they have no concept of danger or judging situations for themselves.Mind you I am the dreadful mama that hit the local headlines for daring to KNIT! in a public place argg!!! I should have been sent to the ducking pool(rolls eyes) lol lol!Knitting around children is a quite deadly activity I had no regard for mine or anyone elses childrens safety dont you know(more eye rolling)

    grr pah!

    lol! here to balancing & precariousness & dens that fall down on them & yes heres to knitting too!
    GTM x

  6. LOL GTM, seriously? Knitting needles? Mine have both *had a go with* the felting needles! What a strange world...

    Thanks for the welcome-backs everyone. :)


Penny for your thoughts? :)